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20 Moon-Worthy Ways to Use Moon Water

Moon water has many wonderful and magical uses that can be incorporated into your daily rituals and practices. Moon water, also known as rose water, provides much more than just hydration and flavor to your food and drinks; it can be used in self-care practices and to cleanse sacred spaces as well as use in your beauty routine. In fact, many people make their own moon water because it’s said to be more powerful than store-bought varieties because it’s been blessed by the moon herself. These are 20 moon-worthy ways to use moon water!

Floating Candles
Whether you’re practicing candle magic or just want a convenient way to light your home, floating candles are perfect for illuminating any space. To make moon water floating candles, fill a clear glass vase with moon water and place a white tealight in it. Position it somewhere in your house where it will reflect the moonlight. The best times of day for using moon water candles are from dawn until noon because they absorb sunlight energy during these hours and emit it during twilight. It’s important to be careful when lighting because most contain combustible materials that can cause fires or burns if not used correctly. Don’t burn candles directly under anything that can catch fire, including curtains and rugs.

Use In Watercolors
Moon water can be used in many ways during meditation. Some use it in their baths, while others use it in rituals or when making magic. And, of course, there are those who simply love how moon water feels on their skin when they’re relaxing. If you want to reap these benefits, you’ll need a small bottle of pure moon water with which to paint—or at least have on hand for easy access. Though it may seem difficult, creating your own moon water is actually quite simple! All you need to do is leave water out underneath the moon. That’s it!

Infuse with Fruits, Crystals, and Herbs
Infusing moon water with all sorts of ingredients is a great method for use in your daily rituals. You can infuse moon water with fruit crystals, herbs, leaves, peels, and flowers. The combinations are endless! Try these ideas for starters:

– Honeydew Melon and Raspberry with Aventurine, Rose Quartz, and Withania Somnifera for fertility, love, beauty, protection, abundance, and lunar magic.

– Strawberry, Lime, and Cucumber with Peridot, Topaz, and Rosemary for love, chastity, fertility, healing, fortune, peace, and protection.

– Raspberry, Rose Petal, and Vanilla with Jasper, Amethyst, and Basil for love, protection, divination, healing, psychic abilities. happiness, and lust.

Moon Water Scrying
To clear your mind, put a small amount of moon water in a bowl and light some candles around it. As you inhale the fragrant smoke, cup your hands around your eyes and look through them into the bowl. Be mindful not to focus on any one thing; instead, let all thoughts go as you simply gaze into it. You’ll be amazed at what arises—just make sure to jot it down later!

Cleansing Spray
Cleaning yourself and your living space with moon water can help you prepare for your next ritual. A few drops of lemon essential oil and a couple of sprigs of rosemary-infused in a spray bottle are all you need. Add about 2 ounces of water and 1 teaspoon of kosher salt to mix it up, and feel free to adjust as needed and enjoy! If you’ve made an infusion with herbs or fruit crystals, keep it in a dark cabinet—like one used for storing food—for continued potency.

Diffuse Essential Oils
Not only do essential oils have aromatherapeutic properties, but adding them to your moon water allows you to select a scent that fits whatever mood you’re in. This is one of my favorite ways of using moon water—particularly on full moons, which are also good times for cleansing rituals. The relaxing properties of lavender, peppermint, and chamomile are great for unwinding after a long day.

Bless Sacred Space
Moon water is believed to cleanse, bless, and protect people, places, and things. If you’re looking for an effective way to bless sacred spaces—whether that be your home or garden—try making moon water. It has subtle energy that makes it perfect for cleansing space with intention. There are many different ways of using moon water. 

Open Third Eye
The Full Moon (when it’s shining directly overhead, making its light stronger and more intense) is an ideal time for opening our third eye. If you’re not familiar with your third eye (also known as your inner eye or mind’s eye), it is simply your brain stem (the bottom part of your pineal gland). The full moon can be used as a tool to open that portion of our mind, helping us connect to our intuition.

Put In Flower Vase
Maybe you love your usual floral arrangements, but they don’t always stand out in a small space. So, what about using moon water in place of actual flowers? You can add moon water to any existing floral arrangement or create your own with just moon water and vases.

Cleanse Scrying Mirror
It’s said that a mirror becomes clearer and more reflective after it’s been cleaned with moon water, making it a powerful tool for scrying—the art of seeing your future by gazing into a still or running body of water. All you need is a glass mirror, two drops of moon water, and a bowl of still water. Place your face close to the bowl, dip a towel in moon water, then gently wipe away any dust or dirt from your mirror.

Make Ice Cubes
Make a big batch of moon water and put it in ice cube trays. Label and freeze them for the next time you need a drink or want to use moon water for a spell. If you do not have trays, no worries. You can place your moon water into individual Ziploc bags, label them, then place them into your freezer until ready to use.

Water Plants
As we’ve already discussed, essential oils and flower essences can be easily infused into water. It’s a great way to get more of these superpowers inside your body without having to take capsules or swallow pastilles. Another fun use for moon water is keeping it in an open vase on your kitchen table or living room floor, where you can glance at it throughout the day and get a subtle dose of your favorite plants and herbs with every glance. What better way is there than that to stay in tune with nature?

Apply to $$$ to Promote Prosperity
Whether you’re putting it in your tea, bathing with it, or making an offering, moon water is a traditional way of harnessing magical powers for prosperity. And luckily, there are a few ways to spend $$$ that bring more luck than giving it away! The next time you want some quick cash in your pocket (or maybe in your purse—who knows), try blessing yourself and someone else with moon water—it’s one of many fun ways to empower yourself through ritual. 

Charge Sigils
Depending on what you’re doing with your moon water, you may want to charge your sigil beforehand. In an empty glass jar, dissolve a tablespoon of white sugar in 2 cups of water. Add one tablespoon of salt and stir well. Let it sit out overnight with a sigil or intention written on a piece of paper taped or tied around it under a light source, such as a candle or incandescent bulb. Keep it under light for at least 24 hours. This is a simple way to charge any sigil, whether it’s related to moon water or not!

Add to Smoothies
Smoothies are a great way to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially if you don’t like to eat them on your own. They can be used as meal replacements or snacks. Combining ingredients with high water content (like melons) and some that release lots of water when cooked (like cucumbers) creates a beverage that is light and healthy, perfect for hot summer days. Throw in a little moon water charged with intention and not only is it a healthy snack but a blessed one!

Add to a Bath (my favorite)
Whether you believe in its restorative powers or not, most of us can agree that taking a bath is one of life’s most luxurious rituals. The soft lighting of candles, music playing—it’s easy to see why it’s an activity almost universally cherished by all humans. A bath is also a great place for reflection and inspiration. So when you combine these two activities together, what do you get? Something truly magical. You can immerse your whole body in the wondrous magic of moon water, by adding it to your bath!

Add Lavender for Toner
The scent of lavender can be relaxing, but it’s also cleansing and purifying. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your moon water (and any other water you use throughout your day) for a soothing aroma. Likewise, sage is considered beneficial for spirituality; boil some in your tea or use it as an essential oil diffuser scent. For glowing skin, try adding lemon juice to your water; it’s said that lemons are healing for both body and spirit.

Cleanse Crystals and Tools
Crystals are important tools for magick, but they also need regular cleansing. To cleanse them, first dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt into 4 cups of moon water. Soak your crystals in it for 2 hours before drying with a soft cloth. This will clear away negative energy and return your crystals to their original shine.

Make Tea (or coffee)
One of the best ways to get started with moon water is to make a cup of tea (herbal tea works too!).  If you’re not sure what types of herbs you like (or where to start), don’t worry! Start out by mixing things together and see what flavors you like; there are thousands upon thousands of combinations that will give you different effects based on your magical practice.

Make Your Own Soap
Traditionally, moon water is made by soaking herbs in water under a full moon and letting it sit until it attains a pale color. It’s said that moon water should only be used during blue moons, but don’t worry—there are ways around that. The first way is to infuse your herbal mixture with natural dye made from fruit crystals or floral oil, which will give it pigment.

Charge Water-Loving Crystals
It’s a well-known fact that water is absolutely crucial for life on Earth. Thanks to its unique molecular structure, our planet’s abundant H2O makes it possible for life as we know it to exist because it creates an environment where cells can thrive. Our bodies are made up of up to 60% water; so, you might say there’s nothing quite like having some nearby! Luckily, crystals love H2O as well…especially these crystal essences! But not all crystals love water! Don’t get any of these wet: amber, turquoise, red coral, fire opal, moonstone, calcite, kyanite, kunzite, angelite, azurite, selenite. A good rule of thumb: Many stones that end in “ite” are not water-friendly.)

Do you use moon water for anything in your practice? Let us know in the comments!

Jet Emerald Bery

Jet, Emerald, Beryl

Jet: protection, anti-nightmare, luck, divination, health

Jet is fossilized wood. It was said to absorb a piece of the wearer’s soul for protection. In ancient Greece, the priestesses of the goddess, Cybele, used it to curry her favor. Jet was found in pre-historic graves as burial gifts for fortune and to guard the departing spirit, so it passed on to the next life safely. It was burned by sea witches for divination and other purposes. In the Middle Ages, it was carved into the shape of a beetle for protection.

Jet absorbs negativity, removing it from the wearer and their environment. It is used to guard against nightmares and is placed under the pillow to ward off these bad dreams. Jet also increases psychic abilities (such as in divination) and medium abilities in contacting and conversing with the dead. Jet is also said to keep proper energy flow in healing spells and rituals.

Emerald: love, money, mental powers, psychic abilities, protection, exorcism, eyesight

In ancient times, emerald was thought to stand for the Earth. An odd ancient use is documented in Hindu writings to be used to protect against nocturnal emissions. In the 16th century, it was used to strengthen the memory and is mentioned in the works of Albertus Magnus as far back as the 13th to 14th century. Emerald was given to the possessed to drive out the demons. 

Emerald can be used to draw love after enchanted with a green candle. It is used in business spells to promote sales and consumer awareness. Emerald also is said to increase the wearer’s awareness of psychic abilities. It is also used for protection. Emerald is often used as a gazing stone to relax the optic nerve, especially when the user spends a very long time on computers or other screens.

Beryl: psychic abilities, healing, love, energy, anti-gossip

Beryl is often used for so called “crystal balls.” In fact, the famous Dr. Dee, the astronomer, and advisor to Elizabeth I, had a crystal ball that was made of beryl. It was used for divination in the 5th century Ireland by the specularii. In the 13th century, beryl was carved in the shape of frogs to reconcile enemies. In the 16th century, it was worn in debates to gain understanding and to win.

Beryl has a variety of uses. It is worn for protection versus drowning and sea sickness and also to increase psychic awareness. It is particularly well-suited to scrying under a waxing moon. It can provide protection from fascination and help the user find lost items. Beryl is exchanged between lovers to ensure fidelity. It’s healing ability is most effective on the liver, glands and eye disease.